



影片片名:阿富汗字母(The Afghan Alphabet)






由导演莫森·玛克玛尔巴夫执导,2002年上映的《阿富汗字母》目前总点击:1126,网友给出的评分:2084 ,该剧是由主演的一部经典的纪录片

阿富汗字母发布于伊朗影片更新时间:2024-04-25 02:04:13奇米电影院为广大网友收集到了阿富汗字母电脑端在线观看,手机mp4在线观看,百度云资源,迅雷高清下载等资源,并且还支持手机端在线不卡顿播放哦,非常方便,希望大家喜欢。 阿富汗字母Post September 11, Mohsen Makhmalbaf tracks the children who do not attend school in the border villages between Iran and Afghanistan with his digital camera and questions why they are not being educated. He finds girls studying in UNICEF classes in one region. One of the girls is not willing to come out of her burqa despite the fact that she has run away from Afghanistan and the Taliban are not present here. She is more afraid of the horrifying god that the Taliban have created more than the Taliban. The teacher tries…                                                                    Director's commentary:                                                                    The Taliban was not a political regime in Afghanistan but they are still a culture. Bombarding can ruin a political regime but it cannot change a culture. You cannot free a woman whom is imprisoned in the burqa with a rocket. The Afghan girl needs education. She doesn’t know that she doesn’t know. She is imprisoned but she does not know that she is a prisoner of poverty, ignorance, prejudice, male chauvinism and superstition. 95% of the women and 80% of the men in Afghanistan did not have the chance to attend school even before the Taliban. The film seeks the lost key to be able to open the lock of the cultural problems of Afghanistan.                                                                    From the IMDB:                                                                    In 2002 about 3 million Afghan Refugee were living in Iran. From those about 700,000 were Afghan Children who were not allowed to go to Iranian schools because of their illegal status in Iran. After this movie was made, this subject became controversial and finally the Iranian Majlis (Parliament) passed a bill in which the Afghani children were allowed to go to school and it resulted in 500,000 kids getting education.




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